Asociació d'Amarristes del Raset de Dénia

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Castellano / Valencià

The Denia Raset Mooring Association is a non-profit association legally constituted and registered in the Autonomous Registry of Associations of the Valencian Community since August 11, 2020 with the number CV-01-061409-A.

The association arises so that users of publicly owned moorings in the port of Denia who wish to do so can share experiences and bring together interests.

Purposes of the association

  •     Defend the rights of the moorers of the Raset of Denia.
  •     Promote and recover the old boathouse for public use.
  •     Collaborate in the protection and care of the coast of Denia and the Marina Alta.
  •     Recover and transmit the seafaring culture: traditional boats; work tools; foods; navigation, music…
  •     Promote free access to the sea.

What activities do we carry out?

We jointly manage actions and requests before the competent administration for the improvement and defense of our rights.

We carry out workshops on: safety in navigation; environmental care and respect; restoration of traditional boats…

We give conferences and talks and we carry out exhibitions on the marine culture of the Marina Alta, as well as to show the work that we develop from the association.

We contact and create links with other institutions or associations from different fields with which we share objectives or activities.

© 2025 Asociació d'Amarristes del Raset de Dénia

Tema de Anders Norén